Nick and Chase and I went to Black Shoals (Randay Poynter) saturday to scratch up some largemouth.
Chase caught the first, a crappie, I think, and therefore was the winner of the "hashbrowns". Good on him!
Nick said he lost a healthy one in the first cove to the left, heading south. I think it was on a rattle-trap.
We docked up around 1130 and went back to the truck to warm up. It was a bit nipply.
The water temp went from 48-49 south of the docks and 50-51 up towards the north, more shallow areas.
I got this one on the right bank looking in the "Beaver Spillway". I had tried the left opening and the middle of the spillway and on a whim cast to the right side of the bank that was bare clay with no vegetation next to the water.
When I felt the tap-tap, I figured it was a small fish, so I just tried to keep a little tension on the line. The fish was pretty slow because it was hard to tell if the line was moving. I tugged on the line, felt "La Resistance" and BAM! There he was.
He didn't fight much because I was reeling like a freak! Yelling to Nick to "Bring the Camera".
When it broke water, I realized how nice he was. And then to land him in the boat! "Nice Fish!"
I think all-in-all, we had a good time. It's nice to be able to jam out in a hurry and get to a nice fishing hole with little hassle. Today would have been a great opportunity, but alas, it is better to forge forward than to look backwards.
A huge "Thank You" to our Creator for blessing us with such beautiful natural resources. Amen.
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