Friday, September 7, 2007

So we've been...

...telling Paige the importance of telling the truth. Its important to tell things honestly. Well, she's been better lately.

Today, she didn't get a blue star, because she lied to the teacher.

Here's the story: apparently, Paige was snacking with her friend Elizabeth, who didn't bring a snack to school. The reason Elizabeth didn't have a snack is unclear.

At any rate, Paige shared her snacks with Ms. Elizabeth. Apparently, this is taboo.

What?! You can't share your snacks at school? Are you kidding me?

Gone are the days when you could barter for grub in the cafeteria? You gotta be joking me. Bottom line, you can't share your snacks at Freeman's Mill Elementary. I was told the my 5 year old.

You can't share because somebody might be allergic to what you're eating.

OK. point taken. I have never heard of anyone being allergic to Cheez-Its. But, wait! Cheeze is a DAIRY product. Can anyone tell me how much lactose is in a Cheez-It?

Maybe, its the peanut butter. In all my years of school, I never heard of anyone being allergic to peanuts. Never. Bee stings, but not peanut butter.

So, back to the predicament. Paige wants to share with her friend that has no snack. So she does. Against the rules. (Are we teaching our kids that its OK to share only under certain circumstances?) Paige gets caught sharing her snack. (Does that sound really contrary? caught sharing her snack...sounds like she's feeding animals at the zoo, illegally).

After she gets caught sharing her snack with Elizabeth, she denies doing so. Bad move at the age of 5. Later, she admitted to sharing her snacks, but only after not telling the truth.

Tell me, is this Catch-22? Is it not courteous to share your snacks? But in Kindergarten, you're not allowed. How's a 5 year old supposed to figure that out?

This is what Paige learned today (IMHO): Its OK to share with people as long as its not food at school because the person you're sharing with may be a liability. Hmmm...does that logic apply in other places? Well, since everyone made such a big deal out of the School thing, it must be true.

WHAT? You better believe we talked about the whole matter.

With each passing day, I realize just what a huge cluster-fornication we're in. I used to think that people were just crazy. Now I know that most of them have been programmed the way they are.

Chilling. Really scary shtuff.


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