Monday, April 28, 2008

My little fisher girl

Shes been practicing her casting. Can't wait to get out in the water and hog em up! BTW...I got a new tag for Trout Unlimited . Sweeeeeet.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oh my gosh! A SNAKE!

I was moving a plant we got at Lowes,and Hello! Theres a little slithery snakey snake! You shoulda seen me trying to catch it.. Trust me, i'm no Jeff Corwin!

So, we have it in Paige's bug cage, waiting to show Mommy!
She'll be thrilled!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mackie and the caterpillar

She's all about being inquisitive. Not so sure about the snake...

Monday, April 14, 2008

The birds are havin a ball...

I just missed recording a big cardinal on the feeder.

The pollen is thick, we had a pretty sunday and spring is full on. We even have a new nest in one of the ferns on the porch.

I think the birds in the video are finches or something.

BTW...Global warming has shot the temperature to a whopping 45. Oh...yeah..I forgot, the low is supposed to be around 39. And, um, might get flurries in north GA.

Things that make ya go "Hmmmmm..."

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A little video of us canoeing

Click here to see point to point on Google Maps

Canoeing the Etowah...

WOW! What a treat. We spent almost 3 hours paddling about 8.5 miles down the Etowah river. It was shallow in some spots but we didn't have any problems getting through .
There was one spot where we had to get 'Tank' over a large fallen log but theres another log next to it that helps.

The weather was perfect and I know that as summer comes this stretch of river will get some good use.

BTW: if you click the pic, it will blow it up and you can see a deer drinking from the river...


Thursday, April 10, 2008

[Fwd: Thank you for Contacting Governor Perdue]

This is the response I received after sending Governor Perdue an email through the state website.....I had sent him an email about supporting HB89 which will allow those of us with concealed firearms licenses to carry in places like restraunts, public transportation (MARTA), and parks/WMA's.  People need to realize that laws prohibiting concealed weapons only affects people that obey the law.  Its the perps that don't care about the law and carry wherever they want.  Why not make the field level.  The chances of being harmed by a person with a concealed weapons license are essentially ZERO.  Being harmed by someone that is not licensed is WAY higher.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Thank you for Contacting Governor Perdue
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 16:18:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: Governor's Office <governor(at)>
To: rhall(at)

Thank you very much for making your views known.  
Your message will be shared with Governor Perdue.

Riding the new Razor scooter

She rode it over 2 miles...

Another one bites the dust!

Note to self: trucks and telephone poles don't mix.

Mackie at mulberry

We rode almost 2.5 miles!